Advertise With Us
Advertising with is much more than simply playing your ad on
the air. Our advertising programs guarantee your company
is promoted on the air, online and advertised through our social
networking information distribution channels. We offer the
highest R.O.I. on every ad dollar you invest. Please
Contact Us
today for advertising rates that will knock your socks off.
Did You Know...
More people listen
to online radio than to satellite radio, high-definition radio,
podcasts, and cell-phone-based radio combined?
Why advertise on Internet radio?
Quality Audience: The vast majority of Internet radio
listening is comprised of consumers who are listening at work on
a broadband-enabled computer, meaning that they are inherently a
high-qualitative-profile group of listeners.
Low spot load = High Attention Level: Whereas on
broadcast radio your spot might end up buried as the 10th spot
in a 12-spot break, on Internet radio, your spot is likely to be
one of only 2-3 spots in the break, meaning that it's far more
likely to be heard and acted upon.
Accompanying Visuals: is capable of
displaying your company's logo while your spot is playing
-embedded right in the radio player! This ability to display a
visual image is a feature that broadcast radio cannot offer.
Website Link: Since virtually all Internet radio
listeners are sitting in front of a computer with a browser
window open, and since you have 30 seconds of persuasive audio
to communicate with, they are perhaps the easiest consumers in
the world to entice to your website!
Social Networking Exposure:
Every advertiser package at includes promotion
on our Facebook page as well as Twitter exposure. This means
that even after your on-air has played, potential customers are
still being exposed to your brand! Quick Facts
National Reach:
Unlike traditional tower broadcasting radio, your spot will be
heard nationally. Over 95% of our listeners are US Based.
Our listener base is...
55% Male/45% Female
49% of our listener base is 18-24
39% of our listener base is 25-35
7% of our listener base is 35-44
Social Networking Exposure:
Every advertiser package at includes promotion
on our Facebook page as well as Twitter exposure. This means
that even after your on-air spot has played, potential customers
are still being exposed to your brand!
High Return on Every Advertising Dollar:
Traditional broadcast radio charges anywhere from $50.00 -
$500.00 PER SPOT. As traditional broadcast radio is a "high
overhead" business, advertisers foot the bill for this overhead.
At, we can offer aggressive advertising rates.
Our rates are so aggressive that in many cases, we can offer a
full month of airtime for less than you would pay for ONE on-air
on traditional radio!